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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page


Feathery little things that cluck, cluck, cluck. Buk, buk, buk… bukwaaukk!

Entries mentioning chickens

Too many questions

Questioned on July 7, 2024

Back into the mud from whence

Douched on June 30, 2024

A masterful mañana-man

Cunctated on May 5, 2024

So many questions

Trebled on April 21, 2024

A vernally hibernal good time

Drove on March 24, 2024

Pigs fly just fine

Porked on February 18, 2024

Morning again?

Mourned on February 11, 2024

Musings on the salad of chicken and eggs

Emulsified on November 5, 2023

Mulberries, mulbiaries, mubbleducks, and mubbliaries

Trussed up on October 29, 2023

An oversized capybara, a staccato cadence

Hobbled on October 22, 2023

A week of weekdays and their horrors

Manacled on October 8, 2023

For want of a letterbox

Shackled on October 1, 2023

A bolo tie and a blogging accident

Haberdashed on September 24, 2023

The Aroostook Roo Store

Rued the day of September 17, 2023

By fish or by Finn

Finished after September 10, 2023

Corn gone bacon and eggs

Consterned on September 3, 2023

Dogs that ate backwards

Reversed on June 25, 2023

Chicken dickin’ good!

Kennedy-fried on June 18, 2023

Gearless largesse and rageless eelgrass

Snorkeled on June 11, 2023

The day ended before it began

Endorsed on March 19, 2023

Landing head-first in March

Made it on March 5, 2023

And the rest was history

Revised for February 12, 2023

I am my thoughts… I am time

Annuated on January 1, 2023

We were bipedal murder chickens

Corned on December 11, 2022

Thanksgiving with the McBorbleys

Thanks given on November 27, 2022

Two halves of a bagel

Misaligned on July 31, 2022

Tuck in flap to close

Knocked up on July 17, 2022

Fleas, flies, and friars!

Peddled on June 12, 2022

An exaggeratedly long week

Galloped about on April 17, 2022

Seven point two hundred

Committed on March 27, 2022

An arduous, odorous, ordurous affair

Cannibalized on February 27, 2022

The door slammed in my face

Slammed on January 30, 2022

The Dingleberry–Hampsterist–Schmarnocks war

Embattled on November 21, 2021

A Halloween to surely forget

Spooked before November 7, 2021

To muffle up a gooſe

Muffled up on October 31, 2021

And then I’ll fart one more time, and…

Intruded upon August 29, 2021

Not a typewriter

Tabulated on July 25, 2021

Another day, another pig war

Splined on June 20, 2021

An arpeggio for Snarpegon

Spatchcocked on March 28, 2021

Mooey, mooey, moo!

Lowed at on December 9, 2012

A parable that should explain everything

Enchanted on November 18, 2012

My competitive worm charming days

Vermiculated on August 26, 2012

The turtle herds of insomnia

NōDōz’d on August 12, 2012

Upon the Fimbriated Planet

Flabbled about on August 5, 2012

And the neckties writhed

Spiraled around July 29, 2012

A hortensical Sefernday

Hortensed on July 1, 2012

Fungous hitchhikers from outer space

Rocketed on June 24, 2012

The green apple bee-bop

Hydrated on May 20, 2012

Hoarsely the Pnårp sang

Horsed around on May 13, 2012

Vox clamantis in deserto

Cheddared on May 6, 2012

The death of Argo Navis

Trisected before April 29, 2012

Toad rental—cheap!

Rented on March 18, 2012

Thoughts diverging from reality

Converging on January 29, 2012

Thoughts converging toward reality

Diverging from January 22, 2012

And then the cold cuts danced

Ronpauled on January 15, 2012

A sleigh ride to the North Pole

Kringled on December 25, 2011

A sally to the Kremlin

Red squared on December 11, 2011

Fimbriated armless and legless

Charged on October 30, 2011

Squee! Squee! Squee!

Snoozed on October 9, 2011

A paean to panic

Glibbered about on September 25, 2011

The day ended

Gibbered about on August 7, 2011

Just shaving the dog

Preened on July 31, 2011

Reflecting on corn gone wrong

Paroled on May 15, 2011

Today being Mamårp’s day

Smothered on May 8, 2011

The tight, grimacing face

Impacted before April 17, 2011


Crossing Pnårp Road on March 13, 2011

A dark and stormy night

Stormdrained on February 6, 2011

Dr. Unterguggenburgerheimer!

Diagnosed on January 9, 2011

An offer he couldn’t refuse

Unmitigated on September 26, 2010

The disastrous ballad of Monica Lewinski’s feet

Shattered before August 15, 2010

Noshing on my favorite keyboard

Fluttered on July 4, 2010

Psycho Chicken With Fingers On Top!

Squawked upon prior to June 13, 2010

I had eggs today!

Oviposited on April 18, 2010

A plan is hatched

Hatched right before April 4, 2010

Why does the pi float?

Floated by on September 23, 2007

Alyssa Milano v. Phillip Norbert Årp

Entrenched under January 28, 2007

A cock-up, to be sure

Erected on June 4, 2006

Oatmeal cookies and their spies

Weeded on May 21, 2006

Caught in a wet noodling contest

Noodled on October 16, 2005

What an Englebee Trooble is

Incarcerated on June 12, 2005