Entries mentioning AK-47 | |
There’s a joke in here somewherePedicured on March 17, 2024 | |
The twentieth best day of my lifeEasily understood on March 20, 2022 | |
This entry is missing!Misplaced before January 8, 2012 | |
A snootful of donutsImbibed before October 2, 2011 | |
Tater-totting crunkfireClapped on… clapped off on August 22, 2010 | |
Glick Glick van der Glick again!Cocked and blocked on June 15, 2008 | |
eBGIQ7ZuuiU or bustGassed up on May 18, 2008 | |
Gnomes? In my kettles?Nonsensed at January 20, 2008 | |
Why do the stars scream?Screamed about on September 16, 2007 | |
Indeed I can go home againReturned home on August 26, 2007 | |
Music erupted from my bed cushions againStrafed on January 7, 2007 | |
Loquisha, you hornswoggler!Added to taste on October 29, 2006 | |
Ollanthorpe Savings BankPuréed on October 1, 2006 | |
Terrorists! Terrorists!!Sporked with some tongs on September 17, 2006 | |
Haldûrburðgar, Lord and EmperorKnifed with a spoon on September 10, 2006 | |
Gormless bastard!Located to the right of June 25, 2006 | |
The perfect symmetry of a letterExcreted slightly before December 18, 2005 | |
I shall visit EigentoriaBandied about on October 30, 2005 | |
Saturday was the worstHobnobbed on October 2, 2005 | |
The return of the garden gnomesStar-spangled high above September 25, 2005 | |
I’m ending it all!Spindled on August 21, 2005 | |
The Magic Oreo Machine™Played footsie with on May 29, 2005 | |
My dear brother Grårp!Crucified for March 13, 2005 | |
The stars scream at me louder than ever!!Suspended from October 24, 1999 | |
The flying pi returnedComplicated because of July 4, 1999 | |
I took the AK-47 downRomanticized for June 20, 1999 | |
Am I lost!? Am I low on oil!?Hydrogenated for April 11, 1999 |