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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning eggs

How does blue cheese go bad?

Reposed on September 1, 2024

Too many questions

Questioned on July 7, 2024

Purple prose asphyxia

Blockaded on May 26, 2024

The stench of failure

Stunk up on March 31, 2024

Shaken and stir crazy

Swept on January 21, 2024

The splaying of resplendent splendiferousness

Cobbled together on December 31, 2023

Whitewalls, chromedomes, and an asshat with jingle bells

Whitened on December 24, 2023

Musings on the salad of chicken and eggs

Emulsified on November 5, 2023

Mulberries, mulbiaries, mubbleducks, and mubbliaries

Trussed up on October 29, 2023

A week of weekdays and their horrors

Manacled on October 8, 2023

A bolo tie and a blogging accident

Haberdashed on September 24, 2023

Corn gone bacon and eggs

Consterned on September 3, 2023

No more barriers to cross

Surpassed on January 15, 2023

A real galleyshnogger of a Christmas

Dove in on December 25, 2022

Up to my ass in alligators

Endangered on August 7, 2022

Squirrels, squeeorling, syrup of squill, and squee

Cocked up on July 24, 2022

A stubby little short week

Trolloped around on April 24, 2022

An exaggeratedly long week

Galloped about on April 17, 2022

Seven point two hundred

Committed on March 27, 2022

Carpathian Carpentry Gnomes? In my kitchen?

Hammered on February 6, 2022

Confound delivery

Starched on January 16, 2022

Vigorously shaking every ficus tree

Shook before December 12, 2021

Today I was being a…

Squirreled on August 8, 2021

Time to draw the bull

Ejaculated on August 1, 2021

Not a typewriter

Tabulated on July 25, 2021

To narfle the gömböc

Balanced on June 27, 2021

Another day, another pig war

Splined on June 20, 2021

José Vargas de las Joyas Matemáticas

Divided by zero on June 13, 2021

A costly, costive dilemma

Clystered on April 4, 2021

With a bubble and a squeak…

Bubbled and squeaked on March 7, 2021

Christmas, goats, and the fiscal cliff

Goat got on December 30, 2012

This coming Friday…

Prognosticated after December 16, 2012

Horses, drugs, and some Volvos

Revolved around December 2, 2012

A parable that should explain everything

Enchanted on November 18, 2012

The nauga war

Tanned on October 14, 2012

Meals and utensils and straws, oh my!

Bluely rinsed on October 7, 2012

The turtle herds of insomnia

NōDōz’d on August 12, 2012

Upon the Fimbriated Planet

Flabbled about on August 5, 2012

Planet of the geese

Honked at on July 15, 2012

My skin was thinking

Considered for June 3, 2012

The green apple bee-bop

Hydrated on May 20, 2012

A lunchable lemony apple key

Open-appled on April 22, 2012

A box! A box! A box of…

Puttered about on April 15, 2012

A Ho-Mg-Zn icosahedral quasicrystal

Fractured on February 12, 2012

And then the cold cuts danced

Ronpauled on January 15, 2012

Dreams in a hole in the ground

Trespassed before January 1, 2012

Goatburping and speechifying

Blustered about before November 20, 2011

Fimbriated armless and legless

Charged on October 30, 2011

A paean to panic

Glibbered about on September 25, 2011

Gnomes? In my photocopier?

Litigated before September 18, 2011

A skeezle-wumpus? In my cabinets?

Marred on August 14, 2011

Just shaving the dog

Preened on July 31, 2011

Disgorgement and cheddar

Squassated on July 24, 2011

The harooloos grew closer

Repositioned on July 17, 2011

Impossibly shaped bowls

Whiled away before July 10, 2011

Just so he could moo at someone

Percolated on July 3, 2011

What the heck… is bothering me?

Chanted on June 12, 2011

Today being Mamårp’s day

Smothered on May 8, 2011

Rotating in place

Caligulated on March 20, 2011

Requiem for a triangular briefcase

Immured on January 30, 2011

An alabasterously magnificent find

Found before December 5, 2010

Noshing on my favorite keyboard

Fluttered on July 4, 2010

Joyful Sefernday, everyone!

Envisaged on June 6, 2010

Oh, the serendipity!

Squelched through on May 30, 2010

Oh, the fendippity!

Panicked over on May 23, 2010

Thousands of Eggmen against one little Pnårp

Destalinized on May 2, 2010

The Fendippitous Eggmen

Cracked open on April 25, 2010

I had eggs today!

Oviposited on April 18, 2010

Ham by the brick

Mechanically extracted on March 28, 2010

The one true goddess!

Duffeled on November 18, 2007

Loquisha, you hornswoggler!

Added to taste on October 29, 2006

Pam & Meg’s

Wheeled about on April 23, 2006

The haberdashery, act IV

Wanted on March 26, 2006

The haberdashery, act III

Haunted on March 19, 2006

The haberdashery, act II

Flaunted on March 12, 2006

The haberdashery, act I

Taunted on March 5, 2006

Ham and eggs, a dram of megs

Hammed up for February 26, 2006

I need a new hobby

Telephoned on February 19, 2006

Spruce mustard and bouillabaisse

Trundled on August 28, 2005