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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning corn

But for me, it was Tuesday

For me it was October 13, 2024

By the bag, the can, the bottle, and the flask

Trashed on September 29, 2024

Playing stupid

Feathered on August 18, 2024

Too many answers

Declared on July 14, 2024

Too many questions

Questioned on July 7, 2024

Back into the mud from whence

Douched on June 30, 2024

So I didn’t want them anymore

Feted on June 23, 2024

Transfixed, perplexed, and duplexed

Eased on June 9, 2024

One moron’s opinion

Opined for May 19, 2024

Nose, the best smelling device

Stunk down on April 28, 2024

So many questions

Trebled on April 21, 2024

The Sun absconded yet I rest assured

Annulated on April 14, 2024

The case of the windy toilet

Manicured on March 10, 2024

Pig-headed and ham-fisted

Cleaved on March 3, 2024

Morning again?

Mourned on February 11, 2024

My life as a computer

Computed on January 14, 2024

The tapering of taped cans and candies

Canned on January 7, 2024

The splaying of resplendent splendiferousness

Cobbled together on December 31, 2023

Invidy, diaeretics, and Eëtal-Otoh-Satt!

Conjoined on December 17, 2023

Musings on the salad of chicken and eggs

Emulsified on November 5, 2023

By fish or by Finn

Finished after September 10, 2023

Corn gone bacon and eggs

Consterned on September 3, 2023

Cwæþ the Pnårp

Jactitated on August 27, 2023

Why fish don’t have feet

Expiscated on May 7, 2023

The unwary victim of cellular ennui

Metabolized on April 2, 2023

The day ended before it began

Endorsed on March 19, 2023

To catch a fly

Lashed on February 26, 2023

My spaghetti trees had all flowered

Disassembled on February 19, 2023

The house that Pnårp built

Stacked like cordwood on February 5, 2023

A mystery of hasps and coat hangers

Fastened on January 29, 2023

Thinking for myself

Cerebrated on January 22, 2023

A real galleyshnogger of a Christmas

Dove in on December 25, 2022

We were bipedal murder chickens

Corned on December 11, 2022

Thanksgiving with the McBorbleys

Thanks given on November 27, 2022

Collecting the caps from every bottle of light cream

Collected before December 26, 2021

Toiling away smoilishly

Toiled away on March 14, 2021

This coming Friday…

Prognosticated after December 16, 2012

The turtle herds of insomnia

NōDōz’d on August 12, 2012

Planet of the geese

Honked at on July 15, 2012

I am the humperdumperdink!

Dumped and dinked on June 10, 2012

The death of Argo Navis

Trisected before April 29, 2012

A Ho-Mg-Zn icosahedral quasicrystal

Fractured on February 12, 2012

The end of doodlewhacker pie

Bloomed on June 26, 2011

Reflecting on corn gone wrong

Paroled on May 15, 2011

Rotating in place

Caligulated on March 20, 2011

A dark and Strommy night

Thurmonned on February 27, 2011

A dark and spammy night

LARTed on February 20, 2011

Back to Pam & Meg’s

Goatmulched on December 12, 2010

375 gorillas and some flower pots

Dumbstruck on November 28, 2010

Two stumblebums for Phillip Norbert Årp

Stumbled around on August 8, 2010

Oh, the serendipity!

Squelched through on May 30, 2010

Today is January 27

Punched on January 27, 2008

Free at last

Self-addressed and stamped on December 2, 2007

Graceful as Loquisha’s soles

Danced with on October 14, 2007

Why does the pi float?

Floated by on September 23, 2007

Under Pam & Meg’s

Delved under on September 9, 2007

Grumfeld redux

Simmered on September 2, 2007

Paisley time

Enslaved on June 17, 2007

Further visages of feet-&-toes

Hieroticalized on May 6, 2007

Toe-visages on the Sefernday

Splayed on April 29, 2007

The haberdashery, act I

Taunted on March 5, 2006

The return of the garden gnomes

Star-spangled high above September 25, 2005

I slithered blithely out the door

Fetishized on July 3, 2005

The Englebee Troobles

Pondered upon August 8, 1999